
Nicolas Florés --- Daniel Luján  ---   Alejandra David --- Julián Arenas---

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

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Positions of attacking (red) and defending players (blue), in a 5-1 defense formation. (German captions)

Players are typically referred to by the position they are playing. The positions are always denoted from the view of the respective goalkeeper, so that a defender on the right opposes an attacker on the left. However, not all of the following positions may be occupied depending on the formation or potential suspensions.


  • Left and right extremes. These typically excel at ball control and wide jumps from the outside of the goal perimeter to get into a better shooting angle at the goal. Teams usually try to occupy the left position with a right-handed player and vice versa.
  • Left and right laterals. Goal attempts by these players are typically made by jumping high and shooting over the defenders. Thus, it is usually advantageous to have tall players for these positions.
  • Center. A player with experience is preferred on this position who acts as playmaker and the handball equivalent of a basketball point guard.
  • Pivot (left and right, if applicable). This player tends to intermingle with the defense, setting picks and attempting to disrupt the defense formation. This position requires the least jumping skills but ball control and physical strength are an advantage.


  • Far left and far right. The opponents of the extremes.
  • Half left and half right. The opponents of the left and right lateral.
  • Rear center (left and right). Opponent of the pivot.
  • Front center. Opponent of the center backcourt may also be set against another specific backcourt player.


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Duration and result

 The duration of the game is 60 minutes, divided in 2 periods of 30 minutes each one. The result will can be of victory to one team, or tie. In some types of tournaments when was produced tie, the game is going to extending and finally to the penalties. 

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As mentioned above, in this sport the physic contact is allowed, but the pushes and the obstruction to the rival are faults and this are sanctioned with free kick, except the occasion in that there are clear opportunity of goal, in this

 situation, the referee punished with a launch of 7 meters. View the figure. If in case in that the faults are repeated or unsportsmanlike, there are other sanctions like reprimand, exclusion, disqualification and expulsion.

Reprimand (the yellow card):

Just can be show one time to each player (being the maximum 3 by team), and it was showed when the player has an unsportsmanlike behavior, or he was exceed in the contact with the rival o he have a behavior contravene.

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The exclusion (2 minutes):

The excluded player will can’t to play during two minutes and his place will be free until he comes back to the player field. The referee used the exclusion when the player make repeat faults, or repeat the unsportsmanlike behavior, or the player don’t puts the ball in the floor when the referee beep a fault in against of the team.

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The disqualification (Red Card):

The player should to leave the Playing Field for the rest of the game, but his place will be free for just two minutes, then, another player will take this place. Also the referee can disqualify to an alternate player and even the coach. In this case, one player that is playing should to go out of the Playing Field and enter again then of two minutes.

The expulsion:

This reprimand is the last used and this was produced when exist aggression in the playing field. In this case the referee ejected the player crossing his arms on his chest.

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Duration and result

The duration of the game is 60 minutes, divided in 2 periods of 30 minutes each one. The result will can be of victory to one team, or tie. In some types of tournaments when was produced tie, the game is going to extending and finally to the penalties. 

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

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Tactics positions of the players

The tactics positions are placed when the team are attacking, because in the defenses situation is not common to talk about the Central, Laterals, Pivots and Extremes players because the game can present different in attack that in defense.

The Goalkeeper

The porter is the only player that in the six meters area who can take the ball with his hands and take the desired steps without bouncing the ball. Also is the only one who can play the ball with his legs and feets, but only when he is blocking the shot. Out of this area, the goalkeeper is other field player and for this he should behave like the others. The goalkeeper takes longs pants and protection in his crotch for protection of the ball.

The Extremes

The extremes are placed one on each side of the laterals. Players are usually quick, agile, little heavy and hard-jump. They maximize the pitch to open the defense and create holes for themselves or the others players. There are situation in that they can become a constant source of goal.

The Laterals

The laterals are placed one each side of de central. They are usually high and big players with a powerful launch. They are used when the coach needs to brake close defended and the team needs to do goals out the nine and six area. Those attending are in most cases to extremes by their proximity.

The Central

The Central is the axis of the team. He is who marks the specific moves, the place to the others players and he indicates where should began the attacks. Also, he is usually fast player and he has much tactic’s knowledge

The Pivot

Finally, the pivot is located between the rival defense with the objective of open space for the other players or for himself, and also, he can to obstruct the natural move of the defense, and thus the others players can launch the ball and to make goals.
