
Nicolas Florés --- Daniel Luján  ---   Alejandra David --- Julián Arenas---

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009


As mentioned above, in this sport the physic contact is allowed, but the pushes and the obstruction to the rival are faults and this are sanctioned with free kick, except the occasion in that there are clear opportunity of goal, in this

 situation, the referee punished with a launch of 7 meters. View the figure. If in case in that the faults are repeated or unsportsmanlike, there are other sanctions like reprimand, exclusion, disqualification and expulsion.

Reprimand (the yellow card):

Just can be show one time to each player (being the maximum 3 by team), and it was showed when the player has an unsportsmanlike behavior, or he was exceed in the contact with the rival o he have a behavior contravene.

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